Convergence Task

This week we found out that our assessment is made up of a 2 page PDF bringing together elements from all 4 skills cycles (digital interactions/motion graphics/orientated design/digital publishing) as proof of the concept we come up with. Carrying on the theme from the  interactivity cycle, we choose from the 5 options: digital doctor, death of magazines/books, making simple music, personal security or toy hack. Within one of these themes, we create a concept that we explore by considering digital interactivity, our audience and user orientated design, digital publishing(via the interactive PDF) and then motion graphics and visual effects by creating a video showcasing how the product could work.

I’m carrying on the theme of Digital Doctor from the first skills cycle (Digital Interactivity) where I came up with the idea of a technology package that both patient and therapist would interact with during the course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Exposure therapy. It would consist of a office based virtual reality, perhaps via an Oculus Rift type of device, but mostly focus on an app that the patient has on their phone. Specifically the focus of this package would be to help patients with Agoraphobia/Panic disorder, but could be developed to fit other Phobias also.