Creative Projections

With the deadline rapidly approaching (hello monday) I thought it might be appropriate to write up a blog post about my process up to now. It involved a lot of Pinterest and… distress. I’ve been turning it over in my head: what do I want to project, what is the relevance in projecting a illustration for no other reason than just wanting to try out a new medium, where does my project fit in between other digital media students incredible 3D animations and projection mapping? I think my project is conceptually strong, straight forward and has good intentions but I am worrying about the physical delivery.

Currently, my imagesĀ have been a mish-mash of Illustrator experiments combined with type showing examples of misconceptions about mental health conditions. The only problem with creating a series of images is that a lot of the words are similar – mostly just showing a mistrust of people with mental illnesses, not believing their experiences or difficulties or just labeling them dangerous. Also I’ve never really tried to create anything where the type has to form shapes and become part of the illustration and I’ve been finding it a challenge. Typography is not easy and I may know the basics of choosing appropriate type faces for legibility, but it’s a completely different kettle of fish trying to incorporate it creatively into an image.

My idea of projecting onto a mist of water has gone down the toilet as I cannot get a steady/heavy enough mist for the projection to sit on, it just goes straight through onto the wall. However, you do get pretty light fragments caught on the water. I’ve tried projecting onto a variety of flat surfaces with different textures, onto water mist as previously mentioned, into oily water and my favourite so far, projecting onto a sequin-y pillow. However, I’m really not convinced that purple, shiny images in any way correlate with the message I’m trying to communicate. Add that to the bigĀ ‘development, but not immediately relevant to finished project’ pile.

Below are some of the images of the development of my project.


blind mock white-02 panic-01 scarf girl-01 blinds 22-01 BALOON-01 Untitled-1-01

balloon pshop blinds pshop pshop scarf 2DSC_0111 DSC_0084

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